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color:black; width:12%; } table.component table td.firstColumn{ border:none; background-color:#EAF1FB; color: inherit; } td.firstColumn b{ font-weight:normal; } /* The Name and Expand/Collapse control are on the same line but at different ends.*/ td.firstColumn div.floatLeft{ float:left; } td.firstColumn div.floatRight{ float:right; } /* Subtables */ table.component table{ width:100%; } table.component table, table.component table td, table.component table th{ border:0; } /* Properties table */ table.propertiesTable { border-spacing:1px; } table.propertiesTable td.firstColumn{ width:140px; text-transform:capitalize; } /* Used by table */ table.usedByTable { border-spacing:1px; } table.usedByTable td.firstColumn{ width:140px; text-transform:capitalize; } /* Facets table*/ table.facetsTable { border-spacing:1px; } table.facetsTable td.firstColumn{ width:140px; text-transform:capitalize; } /* Attributes table */ table.attributesTable { border-spacing:1px; } table.attributesTable th{ font-weight:normal; } table.attributesTable tr:hover{ color:inherit; background-color:#EAF1FB; } /* Identity constraints table */ table.identityConstraintsTable { border-spacing:1px; } table.identityConstraintsTable th{ font-weight:normal; } table.identityConstraintsTable tr:hover{ color:inherit; background-color:#EAF1FB; } /*--------------------------------------- The diagram. ----------------------------------------*/ table.component td.diagram { background-color:white; color:inherit; } /* This table is a workaround for an IE bug regarding pre-wrap */ table.preWrapContainer, table.preWrapContainer td{ border:0; margin:0; padding:0; } /* Annotations. */ div.annotation{ } div.annotation pre{ font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; margin:0; } div.annotation, div.annotation table, div.annotation table td{ margin:0; padding:0; } /* Hierarchy */ ul > li.internal, ul > li.schemaHierarchy { list-style:none; } ul.internal { margin:2px; padding:0; } ul ul li.internal { padding-left:10px; list-style-image:url('img/hierarchy_arrow.gif'); 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font-size:1.2em; } .globalControls table td{ padding:0; margin:0; } .globalControls{ position:fixed; right:0; background-color:transparent; padding-left:0.5em; padding-right:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em; width:190px; } @media print{ .globalControls{ display:none; } } /* Expand/collapse of a single section. */ input.control { text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; padding:0; padding-right:3px; padding-bottom:2px; } /* close button */ td.rt_content div span input{ font-size:0.8em; } @media print{ input.control{ display:none; } } /*----------------------------------------- Navigation. ------------------------------------------*/ a, a:visited { color:rgb(0, 0, 150); background-color:inherit; } a:link, a:visited { text-decoration:none; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } div.toTop{ text-align:right; } div.toTop a{ font-weight:normal; } /*------------------------------------------ The second level of index. Floating DIVs -------------------------------------------*/ .toc { } .toc div.verticalLayout, div.horizontalLayout{ float:left; display:block; background-color:white; color:inherit; min-width:130px; min-height:50px; padding:0.5em; } /* This is not used. */ .toc div.verticalLayout { clear:left; } /* Hack for the IE - acts like a minimum height.*/ * html .toc div.horizontalLayout, * html .toc div.verticalLayout { width:120px; height:60px; } /* Namespacces or system ids in the TOC. */ .toc .indexGroupTitle { font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:0.5em; } /* Components group*/ div.componentGroupTitle { font-weight: bold; color: black; background-color: inherit; } div.componentGroup { padding-top: 4px; } table.componentGroup { border-spacing: 1px; } td.componentGroup { padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } /*---------------- The footer. -----------------*/ .footer{ margin-top:3em; } .redX{ color:red; background-color:inherit; font-size:1.2em; } .oXygenLogo{ color:#1166DD; background-color:inherit; font-weight:bold; font-size:1.2em; } /* List item from documentation format */ ul > li.doc{ list-style:disc; margin-left:10px; } /* No margin for pre from the table.*/ td > pre { margin:0px; } /* Wrap the long lines in the 'pre' section. */ pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ _white-space: pre; /* IE only hack to re-specify in addition to word-wrap */ }