2017-06-22 new parent func - send taked or selected photo/file to Feature with finding options or new Feature creation (limit to only Features with xsd:base64Binary simpleType)

This method is executed by 2017-06-22 new parent func - take photo for currently edited feature with simpleType of xsd:base64Binary when choosed that method of share.

  1. When this method is called than user is allowed to see only:
    1. currently opened/used Tables/Objects with xsd:base64Binary simpleType
      Note: the rest objects are hidden
    2. when he want to add new WFS Table - than in search - there are aviable only Objects with xsd:base64Binary simpleType
    • not aviable method of see in GetCapabilites to know if some WFS Object has xsd:base64Binary
    • When he try to add, there error should occurs. It may be subject to change in futher relase of API.
  2. User is allowed to:
    1. List features in table :
      1. when some record/feature is selected than:
        1. user see contents of that record with standard form
        2. user can scroll that informations and edit data in form
        3. there is visible icon add image:

          Figure: when selected some feature - user is allowed to choose where to add image

          1. if in several fields aviable - type xsd:base64Binary than user can choos where to add this image by using add image icon
          2. when added image - if it is picture - small image should be visible in that record
          3. when it is not picture - there is aviable icon of
            <i class="material-icons">insert_drive_file</i>
  3. After saving - window is darken with confirmation menu:
    1. If he wish to synchronize data to storage Synchronizuj or
    2. If he wish to do it later Nie teraz
  4. Than window is closed and back to last opened application user used to share some image.