Layers Menu Specifications for development notes

Here comes proposal for backend managing schema for user GUI to be implemented in both sides.


Plans are for :

- Provide Android App user GUI (as is current)


- Integrate with WEB GUI

- Favorite tables == User Layers

TODO - structurized menu in WEB-GUI

TODO - parse filters for USER MENU = Android filters -> column filters

TODO - several add the same TABLE=layer with other filter

TODO - parse filters for OGC filters / area

- WMS config wiev

TODO - integrate with WMS Layers

MAP GUI see layers = Android layers

? Web View ? Integrate?

- Integrate with QGIS

TODO - Generate .QGIS project file (import for qgis ready user GUI)

- Integrate WEB GUI/ Android GUI

TODO - Parse QGIS project -> Android GUI/Layers -> User menu

Note: Is saved in git development notes : procesy5AndroidApp.git/Procesy5_backend_development_notes/TODO_implement_in_backend