2017-06-22 new parent func - send taked or selected photo (or file) for default_objects:File

It should be aviable for user to:
  1. create new feature with data image with filling the rest of object File fields, especially name
    <xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="name" type="xsd:string" xmlns:p5="https://biuro.biall-net.pl/wfs"/>
  2. associate added feature to one or more object by using method described in:
    1. http://procesy5.pl/procesy5-wfs-api-doc/objects_example_update_by_xlink.html
    2. http://procesy5.pl/procesy5-wfs-api-doc/objects_example_2_update_by_xlink.html
      • This type of asocciation is subject for being changed by WPS special API
      • It will be modified in further versions of api and changelist specifications
Usage scenario:
  1. User pick a file in file browser or photo browser
  2. User click share button (there is displayer Procesy5 application logo)
  3. User then is asked to choose one of option:
    1. Save as file (it means to add it to default_objects:File object
    2. Save to one of current edited or to be inserted to one of Feature with xsd:base64Binary simpleType → 2017-06-22 new parent func - take photo for currently edited feature with simpleType of xsd:base64Binary (if he is editing currently some feature with xsd:base64Binary simpleType - only this option is aviable
    3. Save to some Feature with xsd:base64Binary simpleType - to be searched against it or be created → 2017-06-22 new parent func - send taked or selected photo/file to Feature with finding options or new Feature creation (limit to only Features with xsd:base64Binary simpleType)