Procesy5AndroidApp changelog


Add Wfs list as checkboxes, fixed layers list issue


Map Code Changes


Saving geometries


Edit geometries from dialog


Drawing rectangle, gps localization, ignore certificates


Search WFS list


Search WMS list


Map fixes, Redesigned add layers dialogs


New passing of auth data, added already layers are marked, Url bug fixed


Many API URLs in one session, API management, New filters, bug fixes ,


Hits, new sort dialog, dynamic records loading, Dynamic loading


Updating wfs features, Synchronizing, dialog states, apk, Various improvements and bug fixes, Auto saving table preferences (columns, filter, sort)


WMS layers with reversed XY are now displayed properly, selecting one feature from many ones, label for WMS layer when double-clicked


New model of adding layers into map fragment


BBOX filter, new features selection menu, new record count dialog.


Several improvements, Various improvements


Features style dialog, Stroke and fill in geometry style dialog, multi-selection list can be moved


English language support, fixed display table bug, Fixed filter dialog keyboard bug, Fixed columns dialog bug, repositioned add record button, drawing buttons adjust to geometry type, showing an icon by column name if type is gml (columns dialog)


'Added' category in table, horizontal scrolling, changed navigation in create new geom mode on map


Keyboard doesn't popup in dialogs, Fixed transaction xmlns, Capabilities are fetched at startup, Styles are saved locally


Map rotation button, multi-select mode for layers list


Saving layers, styles, filters, sorting and columns.


Improved performance while rendering features, new OL library version (v4.1.1)


Now is aviable to choose rendering library (also during login), when open map, is needed to refresh map canvas to reload new driver.
Note: If we get still some problems, they may be due to new vector type data (added to app run more smoothly).
After adding new feature (if new record is in current filter range (max records/sort, propertyLike/etc.)

Now application remember last usage position. Enjoy!

(polish version) Można teraz wybrać wersję biblioteki w ustawieniach (takze z ekranu logowania), 
przy czym jesli jest juz otwarta mapa, to nalezy odswiezyc mape aby wczytac nowa wersje.Jeśli nadal będzie się zacinać niezależnie od wersji, 
to być może przez nowy typ warstw wektorowych 
którym zastąpiłem poprzedni typ w commicie z 16.05 aby chodziło płynniej.
I faktycznie u mnie mapa 
działa o wiele płynniej, więc to dziwne byłoby że paradoksalnie może powodować efekt odwrotny.Po synchronizacji odświeża się cała warstwa, 
pobierane są z bazy od nowa wszystkie rekordy.
dodany rekord może się nie pojawić po odświeżeniu z powodu np. jeśli nie pasuje do ustawionego 
filtra lub jeśli sortowanie jest rosnąco, a nowy rekord znajduje się tuż za ustawioną max. liczbą rekordów. Teraz mapa zapamietuje ostatnie 
położenie i zoom po ponownym uruchomieniu apki.


New settings options, new refresh button, main statistics strips


Now object grouping/with clustering, single layers stats, new graph spatial lib 4.2.0


It is now aviable to set timeout and max simulanteus connection for API


New preference: fetch HIST, removed OL lib preference



fixed (fixed) change 2017 05 tune wejscie w wfs nie ma od razu zaladowanych capabilities, (fixed) fix 2017-06-13 optimal - cannot fast sync transaction edit - need to use menu, (fixed) 2017-06-22 fix too many features makes timeout - divide transactions to smaller.

+Icons in the menu for table fragment


Fixed table's row selection bug


New BBOX button in layers panel, bug fixes


  1. Smaller font size on layers list
  2. Improved list item layout


Popup menu for layers, new WMS projection dialog, new tasks dialog (icon on status bar), statistics summary dialog, logout log sent when app closed.

layers.xml file.


Secure 'Remember password' option


Fixed problem with loosing layers config during application crash. Now You can manually save config with layers, according to Changelog 2017-11-26 Fixed custom option to save layers settings