Data read GetFeature

URL GET parameters:

  • `TYPENAME`: object name e.g. p5_default_db:TEST_PERM,
  • `maxFeatures` or `count`: limit number of features in response,
  • `startIndex`: offset,
  • `sortBy`: to specify a list of property names whose values should be used to order the set of feature instances, e.g. sortBy=ID+D,columnName+A,
  • `propertyName` - To select exact columns, e.g. propertyName=ID,test_date,A_STATUS,
  • `Filter`: parameter `Filter` (ogc:Filter)
    Note: Read about at Data Filters
  • `featureID`: to select exact one feature by primary index key, e.g. featureID=TEST_PERMS.12,
  • `primaryKey`: to select exact one feature by primary index key, e.g. primaryKey=12,
  • `xlink`: to select exact one feature by xlink. '#' must be replaced with '/', e.g. xlink=,
  • `resolve`: controls whether and which (i.e. local or remote) resource references are resolved by an operation, e.g. resolve=all
  • `resolveDepth`: indicates the depth to which nested resource references shall be resolved in a response document, e.g. resolveDepth=3.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wfs:FeatureCollection xmlns:wfs="" xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:p5_default_db="" xsi:schemaLocation=";VERSION=1.0.0&amp;TYPENAME=p5_default_db:TEST_PERMS&amp;REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType" numberMatched="unknown" numberReturned="5">
        <p5_default_db:TEST_PERMS fid="TEST_PERMS.90">
            <p5_default_db:M_DIST_FILES>Wrano plik 'test-file-3.txt'</p5_default_db:M_DIST_FILES>
            <p5_default_db:ADM_NAME>test &quot; ' &amp;amp;quot; X</p5_default_db:ADM_NAME>